Friday, October 24, 2008

A clan called Icelanders

I don't refer to my fellow countrymen as a nation. I call us a clan. How can you call a group of 300.000 individuals a "nation"?

We are all so liked with each other that when you meet a stranger it normally doesn't take more than ten minutes to find someone that you are either related to or both of you know.

And being so small, we are all interlinked and that calls for certain problems in government and most other places of authority. Because the fact is that as humans we are all primarily concerned with our interests and -concerns. And the more the people in government are connected with individuals concerned about their interests, the more twisted the decisions they make can become. Because sometimes they are not thinking of the rest of the clan but only their own closest members.

This is why it has been suggested that a group of independent professionals, who do not belong to this family, this clan... come over here to sort out some of our problems. To clean out the closets and clear the way for something new.

The IMF might be the first step. But there is more to follow. I just think we need some outside counseling, love.

I suppose it's in a way similar to other countries but still different. The clan is then made up by Ivy league students and the sons and daughters of "somebodys". Probably harder to deal with. Maybe the smallness of the nation allows us to clear things up this way? The problem being a solution at the same time.

1 comment:

senyorapòstrof said...

Oh, I've found it a really interesting blog. I'm from Spain and I'm studying English, and reading natives' blogs I learn the language, you know. But I've discovered this one and I've learnt more than what I thought because it's interesting to see how life is miles and miles away from you. Nice information then!

Moreover, as the most popular topic in Spain is the crisis, I'd like to know if is the same in Iceland or not. It could be interesting to have a little comparison. Dont you think?
