Saturday, August 21, 2021

To write

My friends keep telling me to write more

Not to write more, but to tell stories from my head. I am always writing interviews anyway but they are a different kind of writing. It's documenting through someone else. 

To write is obviously a skill like any other. A set of skills. 

A chef is what comes to mind when I think of a comparable skill that is more commonly appreciated. The chaos of nature has created an infinite source of raw material for the chef to choose from. His or her job is to prepare the raw materials, combine them together, work them, put them on a plate and serve the neat outcome to the hungry (or curious) person at the table - and this is exactly what a writer does. Any kind of writer. 

A plumber or a specialist in linoleum laying might read this and become insulted that I didn't use them as an example for a  that compares to a writer but the difference is super clear. Writers and chefs have living things to choose from when it comes to work material while carpenters, bricklayers, plumbers and shipbuilders can count on their logs, rocks, pipes and metal. 

This is not to say that the raw material of a writer has no reliability to it. That is people and their behaviour. People seem to behave and move in ways that can very often be predicted, and sometimes even relied upon. Particularly people in groups and over a long span of time. These descriptions are best to be read in the Bible, the Saga of Njál (Brennu-Njáls saga) or Snorra Edda. 

Muscle memory

Many crafts find their way into the muscle memory of the woman or man who work on their craft. A good seamstress can create wonders, not to mention those who work with ceramics and tiles. They do their detailed jobs flawlessly and move on a focused, but fast pace. 

Drivers, bodyguards and waiters have a super fascinating skillset. I guess exactly the same skillset that people need when they are on a soccer field, navigating a crowd while keeping your eye on a target. 

My skills, pace and how many times I hit the back button on the keyboard depends on how much sleep and caffeine I've had. For the past year I've had the routine of drinking one cup of coffee per day. Maybe I should increase my caffeine intake and go to bed earlier.  Could be an idea. The eternal search for balance. 

My pace on the keyboard right now is a little below normal but that's ok. When I used to write journals my handwriting was often slow so that it could be more readable. It also gave me a little buffer on the sentences. Go slower, think it over. 

Writing with hand can be more interesting than writing on a keyboard because sometimes you can spot your mood by the way you write. This is very clear to me in the journals I wrote from I was circa nineteen to twenty three. Sometimes my handwriting was wild. Sometimes calm. Same things on my mind, most of the time, just different intensity, the rise and fall of different emotions used to vary. 


I used to write a lot of poetry at that time. Publish some, even read one on TV, but mostly we read them out loud for listeners at poetry nights held at clubs, bars and cafés. I read my stuff with a lot of other people who now do this as a main job, publish books by numbers.

I often feel guilty that I didn't continue on this artistic path and became a blue collar journalist instead. Mixing jobs. Writing about lipsticks. Creating a popular website about lipsticks and art. Getting by as a single mom. But hey. Maybe I'm not ready? Maybe I'll never be ready? Maybe I have too many stories to tell and when I think about it get's overwhelming?

I am just going use this blog until I make further decisions A revival of an old blog is a good place to start. Like a chef experiencing with his food skills in the kitchen of a kindergarten. Yeah! I'm King I'd say in the spirit of Kanye. 

I can start by telling you a story that will appear in another blogpost.

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